PHP Guestbook



About the script

The simple and convenient guest book written on PHP. All data is stored in the MySQL database. This Guest Book has additional useful features, anti-spam, page navigation for messages. For successful work you need to set own design only.


- PHP 5.2.0 or higher;
- mod_rewrite;
- MySQL Data Base 4.1.0 or higher.

Features of PHP Guestbook

- is integrateable to any website (for this, just edit the files and top.php bottom.php)
- is built in under any design a site (you should only to edit the files lib/_top.php and lib/_bottom.php);
- Spam Protection;
- banlist of IP;
- paginal navigation << < ...| 5 | 6 | 7 ... > >>;
- support BBCode;
- displaying emoticons;
- the notification about new added messages;
- the ability to add messages for moderation;
- password-protected admin panel;
- easy to install and configure.


Unzip the archive and copy its contents to any folder on your web server. (for example "guestbook"). Open the file admin/lib/ in Notepad or in any text editor. Specify the connection settings (Database host or IP, database name, username and password). Create your database and put the tables there. In most hosting it is usually done via web-interface, for example, via phpMyAdmin. Database dump is located in file guestbook.sql Go to admin are (http://your_website/path_with_script/admin/) and entry password on default: 1111. Next, set your settings.

Commercial version

According to the customer’s choice I can adapt the script to particular conditions. Different extra function can be added.


The script PHP Guestbook, further on "program", is totally free. You can freely distribute, copy, introduce changes in the open source code of the program, only if you preserve the author’s copyright. Using the program PHP Guestbook for commercial purposes without the author’s permission is prohibited. You use this program at your own risk. The author bears no responsibility for the program operability, as well as for the losses and damage a data or anything else connected with the usage and work of the program.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you liked my script and you have the desire to supprt me by money, here is my account:

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Alexander Yanitsky

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