Perl Newsletter



About the script

Perl Newsletter is a universal script for sending e-mail messages from your web site containing any information. The script is manageable, easy to install, cross-functional and uses minimum of hosting requirements. The script uses Perl software programming language and includes a lot of handy functions and attributes such as creation of mailing lists with category sorting, sample letter visual editing, sending e-mails with attachments, import/export of e-mail address database etc.


- Perl 5.6 or higher;
- Modul DBI;
- Modul Perl-IO;
- Sendmail or Postfix;
- MySQL Data Base 4.1.0 or higher.

Features of Perl Newsletter

- Sending mail Via smtp server (using sockets);
- opt-in e-mails with ability to unsubscribe;
- selection of mailing mode (plain or html);
- adds the standard headers Precedence(bulk, junk or list) and List-unsubscribe to email;
- supports most of famous character;
- sending e-mails with an unrestricted number of attachments;
- letter personalization;
- notification that the letter has been read;
- setting message priority for sending;
- scheduled e-mail sending and using script as an auto responder*;
- all-purpose administration panel;
- limitless mailing lists;
- category sorting;
- subscriber categorization;
- import of e-mail addresses from text files;
- export of e-mail address data base into a text file;
- logging of sent e-mails;
- new subscriber notifications;
- open source code;


Unpack the archive and copy its contents into any folder at your web server ("sendmail", for instance). Open file in a notepad or any other text editor. Specify the connection settings (data base host or IP, data base name, login and password). Arrange the data base tables MySQL SQL-query from perl_newsletter.sql file. Go to the administration area (, and enter login - admin and password - 1111. Further specify the desired settings. Insert html form code into your web page. Below the html form code is shown:

<form action=cgi-bin/ method=post>
<tr><td><p>Name</td><td><input size=40 type=text name=name></td></tr>
<tr><td><p>E-mail</td><td><input size=40 type=text name=email></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type=submit value="Send"><input type=hidden 
name=action value=post></td></tr>

Set permissions (CHMOD) for .pl files 755*. Open the administration panel and enter the password 1111. Specify the necessary settings.

* Some of the hosting providers may require another permissions (CHMOD) (see FAQ of your hosting provider).

- Upload the updated files to your web server;
- Execute the SQL-query from a update.sql

Commercial version

According to the customer’s choice I can adapt the script to particular conditions. Different extra function can be added.


The script Perl Newsletter, further on "program", is totally free. You can freely distribute, copy, introduce changes in the open source code of the program, only if you preserve the author’s copyright. Using the program Perl Newsletter for commercial purposes without the author’s permission is prohibited. You use this program at your own risk. The author bears no responsibility for the program operability, as well as for the losses and damage a data or anything else connected with the usage and work of the program.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you liked my script and you have the desire to supprt me by money, here is my account:

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Alexander Yanitsky

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